Thursday, January 6, 2011

2010 Oklahoma Snow Storm.........

Snow is predicted for next week with temps in the teens and 'maybe' single digits....brrrrrrrr!  However, last year's snow was soooo beautiful...even tho' everyone in Eastern Oklahoma was snowbound for a few days.  On Christmas day we had a snowfall, with more at where I live than at the Lake....but a week later the Lake area really got the snow.  Roger took some great pics and they are so beautiful I wanted to share them with my readers.
I see some snow ice cream coming from the table
The woods

A Road Less Traveled

This is Oklahoma????

The driveway has disappeared

There are those that say Pileateds won't come in the Winter

Hope some wood is in the house

No cars today
Looks like a blizzard
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow


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